東京大学 中村・山本研究室へようこそ。以下の3つのテーマを中心に、ロボットの力学と制御の研究を行っています。
We are involved in the following topics on robotics, dynamics and control.
- Humanoid Robotics
- Musculoskeletal Modeling
- Intelligent Modeling
Also see our YouTube channel “robotics_ynl.”
Department of Mechano-informatics, University of Tokyo
東京大学 中村・山本研究室へようこそ。以下の3つのテーマを中心に、ロボットの力学と制御の研究を行っています。
We are involved in the following topics on robotics, dynamics and control.
Also see our YouTube channel “robotics_ynl.”
Prof. Yamamoto received the best paper award from Journal of Robotics Society of Japan on Sep. 5, 2019.
Ko Yamamoto, “Resolved Viscoelasticity Control Explicitly Considering Structure-Variability for Humanoids (in Japanese),” Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 160-169, 2017. [DOI: 10.7210/jrsj.35.160]
(1回目)4月5日(金)13:00 ~ 14:00
(2回目)4月8日(月)15:00 ~ 16:00
内山 瑛美子さんが2018年度日本機械学会女性未来賞を受賞しました。
受賞者名 :内山 瑛美子(うちやま・えみこ) 東京大学
続きを読む →We cooperated with a motion capture measurement in a TV program “Tokyo Athlete Part2” that was broadcast by NHK on Dec. 9th.
https://www6.nhk.or.jp/special/detail/index.html?aid=20181209_2Dr. Tianyi Ko presented at IEEE-RAS HUMANOIDS2018 in Beijing. His paper was selected as one of the best interactive paper award finalists, and we were awarded Mike Stilman Paper Award.
Mr. Takuya Ohashi presented his work on VMocap in IROS2018. His paper has been selected as a finalist of the best paper award.
Ms. Emiko Uchiyama was awarded RSJ Research Incentive Award.
Mr. Tianyi Ko was awarded Young Investigator Fund Best Paper Award in the 24-th Jc-IFToMM Symposium on Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, which was held at University of Tokyo on June 1.
Tianyi Ko , Kazuya Murotani, Ko Yamamoto, Yoshihiko Nakamura, “WHOLE-BODY MOTOR CONTROL PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF THE HYDROSTATICALLY DRIVEN HUMANOID HYDRA (in Japanese),” in Proceedings of the 24th Jc-IFToMM Symposium, 2018.
On May 15, we held a press conference to announce VMocap, a new video motion capture system.